Friday, May 20, 2016

DAY 33: Thanx

Today I am a blank slate. No emotions, I feel nothing. Nothing I tell you...NOTHING. It is calm and extremely boring. I am sure something will come up later, but now I am just chilling in the quiet.

Now is as good a time as any to be grateful. We spend so much time running around, trying to be all spectacular and shiny, trying to prove to ourselves we're worthy that we often lose sight of how much we indeed have to be grateful for....Awww isn't that nice...yeah I am not really feeling it....everything I am saying just sounds kind of lame to me right now. I feel like a sarcastic teenager that just wants to roll her eyes at everything, but I am going to commit. I am going list a few things that I am grateful for, maybe it warms my heart a little.

Off topic: I was playing around on the google box, searching things like "How do I find my life purpose" and "Finding your life purpose quiz" know normal things we all do on a Friday. There were a few quizzes but their answers were not that helpful..."You are a communicator"....yeah ok now what? There was one site however that said it could help you find you purpose in 20 is quite simple, you just take out a piece of paper and write down a few scenarios about what  you desire from life, and what you want to be. The one that makes you cry is the one meant for you. I like the idea, I might give it a go later. I hope I don't have to write for days to find something that moves me to tears though...that would suck.

So what am I grateful for...let's see.

I am grateful for Youtube videos of animals being either amazing or extremely silly. It is a guilty pleasure but is sure makes me happy.

I am grateful that I grew up in a family that taught me not to take things too seriously, and that laughing at things really does make it better. The older I get the more I know this to be true.

I am grateful that I live in a time where information is so freely available. You can learn about anything at anytime, even your life purpose, and I for one freakin love it.

I am grateful for red cappuccinos. Since I cut out practically everything the red cappuccino has become my treat of choice. I salute its red, foamy deliciousness.

I am grateful for books...I wish my life purpose was to be surrounded by books, and I would get paid to read them...but I want to get paid a lot....I read gooood.

I am grateful for talkative strangers. I love talking to strangers, yes I am indeed a rule breaker. It is always nice to have random conversations with random people for no other reason than that the two of you were coincidentally at the same place at the same time, the world is a big place filled with many people so the odds of you sharing a path with someone else is quite extraordinary. Think about it and than go talk about it to a random stranger, but be careful of the dodgy looking ones.

I am grateful for hot chocolate. Yes, I have found the holy grail or that is what is feels like, I have discovered a hot chocolate that does not contain sugar, is extremely low in calories, it contains green tee extract and a whole bunch of other ingredients that actually help you burn fat, and the best part is it tastes amazing...o man am I grateful for hot chocolate.

I am grateful for that time in the morning when the sun has just come up, and the world sort of looks a little pink. You can feel the world waking up, and it feels like life is filled with possibility, and for a couple of minutes everyday it feels like you really can achieve anything you set your mind/heart to.

I realise now that there are many things I am grateful for, life even with all it suckiness and emotional rollercoasters is pretty grand.

Why don't you also list a few things that you are grateful for, don't go all deep about it, just list the silly things. The sarcastic teenager in me even stopped rolling her eyes.

Good day.

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