Thursday, May 5, 2016

DAY 18: 10 Things I have learned so far

  • It is really tough to think of something to write everyday. I don't want to treat this like some kind of diary where I just blabber on about how my days are, because truthfully not that much happens. That is the thing with life isn't? It consists of a few interesting moments, and what is left is mostly admin. I am not particularly fascinated by the more adminny parts of my day so I am definitely not going to bore you with it. I will bore you with something else. 
  • Today I have decided to create a list...everyone loves lists, don't they? I call my list "10 things I have learned so far"...and it conveniently lists the things I have learned so far...from life in general, not just the last couple of days. Maybe you will relate, maybe you will think I am an idiot, either way, it is nicely numbered for your enjoyment. I will revise this list in a few years time, perhaps then I will think I was nothing but a dumbass with a laptop and some time, or maybe I will think I was pretty smart for my age, whatever the case may be here we go...
  • 10 Things I have learned so far.
  • 1. Try not to be an asshole. This is very important, and it may sound simple, but it seems a lot of people are struggling with this one. So how do you stop being one? The best place to start is to stop thinking that you are the center of the universe, and that the rest of the world somehow owes you something. It doesn't. You are just as special as everyone else. 
  • 2. Increasing the volume of your speech does not automatically increase the validity of your argument. Number 2 is closely linked with number 1 (My immature side is giggling at that sentence.)  I have seen this so many times and it always annoys me, talking over some-one, or screaming your words at some-one is not how you bring your point across effectively, and you win nothing. You are just being what number 1 told you not to be. 
  • 3. Listening is more important than talking. Everyone wants to be heard, and if you really want to make friends you don't have to learn how to be an eloquent speaker, but rather an effective listener. That is how you really connect with people, by making them feel, even if it is only for a moment, like they are understood. 
  • 4. Animals are amazing and hanging out with them can make you very happy. That is all I have to say on that matter. Animals Rule!
  • 5. Friends are very important don't allow them to just fade away. Friends are more than just people you drink with, they are the humans that actually care about your existence, they are those people who will try to make your stay on this planet a little more pleasant. Appreciate them, show them you care, tell them you love them. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. 
  • 6. Laugh at yourself. Laughter is the coloured pencils to our grown-up colouring books, without it things are sort of dull. Situations are rarely as serious as you think they are, and most things, even the things that scare you can have a hint of humour to it, you just have to learn how to look for it. The best people I know don't take themselves to seriously, the worst people I know do.
  • 7. If you really want something you are going to have to work for it, and even if you do it is still not a guarantee that you are going to achieve it. The key is to never give up. You will achieve what you need to achieve when you are ready to achieve it. Don't become bitter, don't blame anyone else for your failures, and I can't emphasize this enough...the world does not owe you anything.
  • 8. Do not judge others...ever. You are not perfect, and your way of doing things and thinking is not the only way of doing things or thinking. What you consider normal other may consider weird or worse boring, so do not be too quick to label others. There are more to people than what you think you see. 
  • 9. Educate least up to a point where you realise that is better to be quiet rather than shouting half-baked facts out loud. The more you learn, the more you realise how little you know and this will keep you humble. Know that when you read something on the Internet, be it facebook, youtube or any other platform of your choice it does not automatically make it true. Be skeptical when it comes to information, this will protect you. Read a book every once in a while, it wont kill you. 
  • 10. Happiness is not a destination. Being happy is a choice, and it is a choice you have to make every day. You have to guard against negative moments and thoughts and focus on the things that you can be grateful for. Happiness is not a weight you need to reach, a large number in your bank account or success. Although these things are all wonderful they cannot make you happy on their own. You have to find happiness in every moment, and not simply hope that it lies hidden in the future. If you figure out how to do this, please let me know how.
  • Ok so the list is done. I hope it was alright. These are not the only things I have learned so far, but I think 10 is a nice round number, and I never mess with nice round numbers.

    Well that is all...See you tomorrow.

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